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Boost Your Strength and Conditioning with These Cool Techniques

Getting stronger and fitter isn’t just about lifting weights or running. There are many fun and different ways to improve your strength and conditioning that you might not have tried yet. Here are some cool techniques that can help you break through your fitness plateaus and make working out more exciting.

1. Isometric Training

Isometric exercises are all about holding a position without moving. Think of holding a plank or a wall sit. Your muscles work hard to stay in place, which can make them stronger and more durable.


– Makes muscles stronger and more durable.

– Helps your joints stay stable.

– Low risk of getting hurt since there’s no movement.

2. Occlusion Training (Blood Flow Restriction)

Occlusion training involves wrapping a band around your arms or legs to limit blood flow while you exercise. This sounds intense, but it helps your muscles grow even when you use lighter weights.


– Builds muscles with lighter weights.

– Less stress on your joints.

– Helps muscles recover faster.

3. Flow Workouts

Flow is a workout where you move like different animals. It combines moves from gymnastics, breakdancing, and parkour. It’s fun and helps improve your flexibility, strength, and coordination.


– Makes you more flexible.

– Strengthens your core.

– Improves coordination and balance.

4. Unilateral Training

Unilateral training means working on one side of your body at a time. This helps fix muscle imbalances that can happen from using both sides together all the time. For example, try single-leg squats or one-arm presses.


– Fixes muscle imbalances.

– Strengthens your core.

– Improves overall strength.

5. Sandbag Training

Sandbag training is when you use a bag filled with sand as your weight. The sand shifts around, making your muscles work harder to keep it steady. It’s a great way to build real-life strength.


– Builds functional strength.

– Strengthens your grip.

– Works your core muscles.

6. Plyometric Training

Plyometric exercises are explosive moves like jumps, bounds, and sprints. These exercises help you get faster and more powerful. They’re great for sports and other physical activities.


– Increases power.

– Makes you faster and more agile.

– Improves coordination.

7. Loaded Carries

Loaded carries involve walking while holding weights. You can carry weights in one or both hands, like in a farmer’s walk or an overhead carry. This type of exercise builds strength and endurance.


– Strengthens your whole body.

– Builds core stability.

– Improves grip strength.

How to Use These Techniques

You can start by adding one or two of these new techniques to your routine every few weeks. This gives your body time to adapt. For example, you could add isometric exercises to your warm-up, include flow movements in your cool-down, or replace a regular lifting session with sandbag training once a week.


Trying new ways to get stronger and fitter can help you break through plateaus and keep your workouts fun. Each of these techniques targets different parts of your physical abilities, giving you a well-rounded fitness routine. So, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and give these new exercises a try. You might find something you really enjoy and that helps you reach your fitness goals faster!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at I Am/I Can Strength and Conditioning Gym is right for you.
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